Mitsuyo Maeda –> Carlos Gracie Sr. –> Helio Gracie –> Carlos Gracie Junior –> Renzo Gracie –> Alex Henley –> David Altgelt
David Altgelt – Owner / Head Instructor
- BJJ Brown Belt
- Black Belt in Goju-Ryu Karate
- Judo Yellow Belt (Rokyu)
- Multiple time Texas Grappling Challenge champion
- FIVE Texas Absolute Champion
- Multiple time Naga champion
- Fight 2 Win Pro competitor
- Multiple time Submission Hunter Pro competitor
- Third Coast Grappling Grand Prix competitor
I started martial arts at age 14 after being bullied in school. I first trained in American karate in the goju-ryu system and received my black belt at age 17. I returned to martial arts after college at 22 training Brazilian jiu jitsu. I started Jiu jitsu with dreams of going into mma; but I fell in love with training, teaching, and competing in Jiu jitsu as its own art form. Jiu jitsu has improved my mental and physical health beyond comparison and I love to share what I gain through the art with others.
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